Looking for some recs to watch as a family. I was surprised sometime last year when our kids, 8 and 10, summoned us to disclose what my wife and I watch after they go to bed. We told them we watch a cooking show called Top Chef and we were ordered to show it to them. Our kids are nearly caught up with all 17 past seasons. They absolutely eat it up (pun not intended) and it's been a special exercise in family bonding that I didn't see coming.

My son is pressing me for what's next. Honestly the first show that came to mind was Project Runway which I told him is basically Top Chef but substitute scallops for a mailman uniform. My kids were grinning at the prospect.

Bravo can get annoying. I find their gay and lesbian contestants almost caricatures. Like I don't care if you're gay just sear the scallop or sew a dress but Bravo has each gay contestant shout their gayness which I find fake and tiring as a viewer. I can't imagine if I were on the show boasting about how straight I am but I digress and Project Runway is exponentially more in that realm than TC because of the nature of fashion. It seems like Bravo hits you over the head with an agenda just speaking honestly.

We're looking for some show recommendations that Salonistas may have watched with their families. The only shows I remember watching growing up with my parents was The Cosby Show and a smidge of Dallas but I wasn't that into JR and Southfork Ranch.

We watched Top Chef in reverse chronological order and the censors were increasingly loose. So our kids may end up cussing like a NJ cheftestant losing restaurant wars but it could be worse. I'm not sure TC is appropriate for 8 and 10 but I think it was pretty wholesome if a little early to watch something with F-bombs flying in the kitchen.

What about the Simpsons? I wasn't a big fan but obviously I'm sure the kids would love it. It's brilliant. Is it appropriate for kids (age 8 and 10)? For example, I don't think Southpark is at all for my kids' ages.

Just curious what shows surprised you that your kids responded positively to. Thanks for any recs.