"Dozens of current and former employees of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s executive chamber described the office as chaotic, unprofessional and toxic, especially for young women."

I'm probably going to be hammered for this, but I have to ask, why do people like Cuomo (and the hundreds of other men just like him who've done that sort of thing, and as we all know, a lot worse) get away with it for so long? I'm not implying that accusers are inventing this, I just don't understand why this can go one for years and years without the truth ever coming out.

Does no one ever speak out? Do they speak out but are ignored?

Especially in this day and age, thirty years since the Anita Hill spoke out during the Clarence Thomas hearings, four years after Harvey Weinstein was exposed, and men are still getting away with it? I realize that the men are typically in a position of power and the victims are not, so it isn't easy to speak up, but wow, something has to change. Ideally men would stop acting like the leches so many are, but I wouldn't hold my breath on that.