Quote Originally Posted by holliscx View Post
...There ought to be a single body that determines when a state is final and then releases the outcome.
This exactly, and to expand on the thought: The fact that we do not have a single, consistent fool-proof way of voting make me crazy. Remember "hanging chads"?
With so much at stake, with elections being a cornerstone of our democracy, it always seems to come down to multiple state by state old fashioned procedures.

As they said in the 6 Million dollar man: "We have the technology..."

Also boggles my mind when some declare "no election fraud" (note- I'm NOT talking about this Presidential election, just national elections in general). People cheat. Period. In all sports, at work, relationships, kids playing hide and seek, basically, take any human interaction and you will find some who do not walk the straight line. So why is it hard to believe elections are run and counted with angels halos on?