Quote Originally Posted by j44ke View Post
I am skeptical.
As am I. But I think my skepticism is aimed more at private business than government. We willingly give up enormous amounts of information to private companies. Anyone use health tracking information with their smart watch? We turn our health over to private health companies all the time. I willingly give up a lot of information by being on Zwift and using Strava, which knows where I go on my rides and walks. Apple knows where I go as well.

I don't believe everything is always nefarious but I'm not naive about the incredible amount of information we already give up.

I'm concerned about cameras and microphones on devices in my private home. We all have computers and phones with both. I have zero doubt Apple and Google and Amazon are watching and listening, or have the capability to do so when they want. Not everything they collect do they collect with bad intent, but no doubt it could be used for negative purposes if someone were motivated to do so.