Heard the neighbor’s chickens raising a fuss last night. Got a flashlight and went over to check. 2 or 3 hens were out of the coop staggering around looking dazed and moaning. So I hopped the fence and poked the flashlight into the coop through the flip door and was greeted by a big fat possum hissing at me. Gdmnt. Fortunately the coop has two big doors. Unfortunately the big door was stuck where the possum was. Found a shovel - there always seems to be a shovel nearby in the country. Reached in through the open big door and banged the backside of the other big door until it opened. Meanwhile one of the hens had gotten in between my feet and was sitting on my boots. And the possum had wedged itself in the far corner, so I jammed the shovel between him and the coop wall and did kind of a left handed hockey chip shot and sent the possum out through the now open door. He got himself together and ran for the gate, squeezed underneath and was gone. I collected the hens and checked each for blood. Looked like the possum was just there for eggs which were smashed everywhere and all over the hens. Put everyone back in the coop and shut the doors. The gdmn rooster slept through the whole thing.