Okay egg gurus, need some advice. 2nd time doing pulled pork. First time was good, but cooked a little too hot with a little much hickory flavor. This time we had a true low and long cook, and it was AWESOME. 7lbs shoulder, cooked at 225* for 18hrs.

Here's where I need advice. I got the temp settled and locked in at 225 (vents were just barely cracked open, not even 1/16") and went to bed and it held rock steady all night long. After about 12hrs tho the temp dropped a little, so we adjusted the vents, then it yo-yo'do up and down the rest of the cook while we adjusted the vents a smidge here and there as needed. Still kept it between 210-230 tho. Any advice to make it more stable long term?

After about 17hrs, once the meat was thru the plateau stage, I opened the vents up a little more and brought the temp up to 300 for a final push to get it done, otherwise we'd have been waiting forever to eat.

Also - remote thermometer = awesome piece of kit. Get one if you haven't yet.