I once flew a DOD charter into El Centro. They started doing training circuits about an hour before sunset. One touch and go was lifting off just as...
"We also have developed about $21 trillion in deficit spending in the United States. That’s primarily because we stay at war all the time. We spend a...
I'm hoping for Washington v Buffalo and just hope both teams have fun. We're moving to Wyoming and Josh Allen is a UW grad, but I like how Washington...
The approach is classic. Start with the powerless and move up. Point to people who do not have citizenship and say we should not allow them to become...
We solve these problems one at a time, right? Like this one, all it takes is one or two more Republican senators to simply say that this candidate is...
The highest amount of responsibility I've had is around 450 people and a material and project budget of 75 million to maintain seventeen Los Angeles...
Sure. Like I said, it's a CEO job, you don't have to know all things, you have to manage the people who do. I worked my adult life as an engineer and...
You may have heard of Lt General Mark Hertling was Commander US Army from 2011-2012. Tanks. Platoons. Direct experience. West Point grad. 35 years.