Well, we can finally tell everyone, we're having our first kiddo!! The wife is 11 weeks along, ETA is March 24th. Found out mid-July, and two weeks ago we had our first doctor's appointment (why won't they see you until 8 weeks??) and got our first picture.

I have to say, I wasn't prepared for that. I was expecting it to look like a little bean, but instead it was a little person! Torso, head, arms/legs. We got to hear the heart beat. Blew me away. We also were lucky enough to see it wiggle around on screen - that qualifies as one of the coolest moments in my life. I know there's more to come that'll surpass that moment, but, it was awesome.

So...knowing nothing about babies or pregnancy, and with it really feeling real after seeing the picture and telling family and friends, I want to be better prepared. I know the best way to learn is by doing, but I figure the more I know going in, the better off I'll be. Knowledge is power and all that.

So, what books/podcasts/articles/etc do you experienced parents recommend?

I've already read 'From Dude to Dad'. We've got 'Baby Wise' as well on the recommendation of some friends who have two great kids.

What else?