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Thread: Help losing 20 lbs

  1. #61
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    Default Re: Help losing 20 lbs

    i just discovered i gained 9 lbs over the race season that ended today (for me).


  2. #62
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    Default Re: Help losing 20 lbs

    havent read this whole thread...but I've been doing the simple fit plan. I wholeheartedly recommend it.

    bodyweight exercises, bodyweight workouts

  3. #63
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    Default Re: Help losing 20 lbs

    i,ve enjoyed the serious replies to this thread. as someone posted i too was skinny & fast/r than now. however i didn't have kids then now i seem to eat whatever they will as they are fussier about their food than i am about my bikes.
    i don't ride as much as before kids but try to get in 3-4, 1 hour sessions on the trainer. my kids are 22 month old twin girls & i do struggle to leave ' the family unit ' just to ride on the road for a few hours because we are all happy when all are at home. it's just the way it is.
    i'm 7kg's heavier than i'd lovee to be but life has it's hold on me for now regards to this.
    i have lost 3.5kg's by cutting out oats at breakfast. to me an hour after breakfast i was starving so my day began there. i cut out breakfast as it was habitual hungry or not and don't get nearly as hungry as i used to.
    good luck

  4. #64
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    Default Re: Help losing 20 lbs

    One of the things that has helped me this year is to make a spreadsheet up where I enter my weight every morning and it averages the weight over each month and shows the loss from the starting point. Helps to see where you were coming from and where you are currently as often (as it should be) weight loss feels glacially slow.

  5. #65
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    Default Re: Help losing 20 lbs

    Cycling sometimes doesn't help cut weight, unless you're in the depth of hard training. If you use power, you'll know that just going for an hour-long mixed-bag ride that's not too hard or easy is a 600-850 calorie affair if you're not a racer. Some people really overcompensate for a post-ride calorie deficit by chowing down with super calorie dense food and lots of it. It doesn't quite work like that unless you're doing big miles. Around here in flatland, there are plenty of super-fast 1/2/3 dudes with big guts because they have the engine, but also overeat or have bad dietary habits.

    I recommend some core/upper-body workout to help fix the things that cycling lots screws up. If you can stand the notion, some of the P90X DVDs are pretty great. They're tough, but you'll lose lots of weight and get cut. Nothing wrong with that. I went on the P90X program over the winter and subbed cycling for the cardio days and I noticed big changes. I was in good shape to begin with, but I can see how if you have some weight to lose, it'll help with the last lump.

    Also, diet is crucial, but give yourself the opportunity to "cheat" once in a while. Cheating isn't eating a whole pizza or a pint of ice cream.

  6. #66
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    Default Re: Help losing 20 lbs

    more serious:

    long, low-intensity aerobic work and careful diet monitoring are really good ways to shed weight. over the winter i found that after a 5-hour spin at 60-70% exertion with a few pieces of fruit kept me far less hypoglycemic than a high-intensity slugfest where i'd come home and obliterate my kitchen (i ate mostly paleo-bourbon diet). i ended up stripping about 15lbs of fat in two months without trying too hard, as well as building a massive aerobic engine as a platform for race fitness. of course, cross-fit and p90x-esque programs are good ways to dump fat, simply because you're increasing metabolism with boost in lean muscle mass.

    the intensity hypoglycemia might have something to do with the fact that i actually gained weight during the race season - i always felt like i was overeating during stage races, and that pretty much confirms it.

    i'm hiring a nutritionist in the coming weeks and will be happy to spread what i glean from the experience.

  7. #67
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    Default Re: Help losing 20 lbs

    I've dropped 15 pounds in 2 weeks on a veggie juice diet with moderate proteins. I pretty much eat a couple eggs in the morning, duck breast on a salad at night, and otherwise 3 or 4 glasses of juiced carrots, kale, beets, celery, and ginger. I toss in a green apple for a bit of sweetness so it doesn't taste like lawn clippings. I feel great, probably keep going until I drop another 15 or so. If I am going to ride or lift I mix in a bit more solid food. No real trigger other than I had eaten my way through a couple week-long endurance events that left me STILL eating like that for a couple weeks afterwards when all I was doing was going to the office. So I needed to correct and get off that train and cleanse a bit.

    I think Floyd Landis is a toolbox but I remember him saying once that if he needed to lose 10 pounds he just wouldn't eat for a week or so. No big deal whatsoever. I have a similar ability to turn it on and off, never an issue of willpower and I can ignore hunger. So drastic corrections are easier for me than most.

  8. #68
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    Default Re: Help losing 20 lbs

    don't eat. floyd is spot on per usual.

  9. #69
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    Default Re: Help losing 20 lbs

    I've lost 40 lbs over the last three years. Mostly just bike commuting and eating less, but a couple of times a year my friends and I do a competitive weight loss game, for money.

    Eight weeks, everyone starts with a credit of $160. We have weekly weigh ins. If you gain, you owe the bank $20 more. If you lose, you get a $20 credit. At the end of 8 weeks we tally the totals, everyone pays up, and the biggest loser walks away with the bank. If you have a good two months, you can take away some real money. Last year, for the first time since high school, I actually lost weight over the winter because of these stupid games. I normally gain 10 lbs or more.

    So that is my suggestion - peer pressure, monetized incentives, and run/ride/row your ass off.

  10. #70
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    Default Re: Help losing 20 lbs

    i don't use exercise to lose weight. mostly, exercise to maintain weight. problem w/exercise is that it makes me hungry and i can't figure out when to stop eating.

  11. #71
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    Default Re: Help losing 20 lbs

    And Wade Boggs got more tail than Sinatra.

  12. #72
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    Default Re: Help losing 20 lbs

    stay away from meat, cheese, and high fructose corn syrup. oh and beer.

  13. #73
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  14. #74
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    Default Re: Help losing 20 lbs

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Officer View Post
    What worked for me was very simple. I just recorded my weight every morning, wrote the number down on a piece of paper and kept that log on my dresser where I had to look at it everyday. It was enough to provide the motivation to follow through. We all know the 'right' way to eat, no secrets there. It's all about finding a way to motivate yourself to stick to it.
    At the risk of being an bobblehead. Same here, I use an TANITA body fat scale in the morning (most hydrated ) an immed. after hard training rides to check how well I took care of myself.
    Seeing an number once / day keeps the good thoughts ontop without getting weird about this.
    For myself, a few yrs. back I learned to cook an few decent "go to" veg meals and added more whole grains to my weekly fare. That alone does wonders.
    In my coaching practice I'm morally opposed to diets per se.

  15. #75
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    Default Re: Help losing 20 lbs

    It comes down to diet.

    Ride for fitness and diet for weight loss!

    Steve had it right; Ride more and eat less!

    This from a 6'5 guy who weighs 265. Heck, I played D1 ball @ 215, and that was 30 years ago.

  16. #76
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    Default Re: Help losing 20 lbs

    I just bought 5 new shirts and my friggin' neck shrank. 16 1/2 no mo'. Now I gotta make a second trip and exchange all this stuff.

    Weight loss ain't all its cracked up to be.
    Got some cash
    Bought some wheels
    Took it out
    'Cross the fields
    Lost Control
    Hit a wall
    But we're alright

  17. #77
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    Default Re: Help losing 20 lbs

    what has been said about eating smaller portions and making good nutritional choices

    I'd also say ride less, do more moderate-intensity/short rest strength training. you'll get more calorie bang-for-the-buck out of your available training time.

    short rest means work opposing movements with no rest between exercises -- bench press/row, lat pulldown/shoulder press, squat/reverse leg get the idea. 8-10 reps to failure. an hour of pretty much non-stop lifting like this will end up burning 800-1000 calories over the course of the 24-36 hours. look up Dr. Christopher Scott's research at the University of Southern Maine. EPOC+clearing lactate ends up raising metabolism a lot post-exercise with this kind of weight work.

    I haven't been able to ride since Feb 1, but my body fat has stayed the same (7%) by alternating an hour of upper body and an hour of lower body each day. I no longer look like a skinny bike rider though...I've gained several pounds.

    If I'm not going to race again, I'll probably keep this up and add a little cycling on top of it. If I want to race, then I'll have to ride a bike a lot....

  18. #78
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    Default Re: Help losing 20 lbs

    If kids are cutting into your ride time, get a trailer, as long as you can ride on a closed course. I trailered my two kids for many years in Central Park, which they took very well, even in winter. I packed them in with teddy bears and hot water bottles when necessary, and rode for two hours at a crack. Used a MTB- good brakes and low gears. Got very strong doing this. Check out Chariot trailers- they are the best. Good luck.

  19. #79
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    Default Re: Help losing 20 lbs

    I'd much rather be on my bike more, but if I need to lose weight adding in some jogging does the trick for me. Most things have already been said, but drinking a lot of water with meals helps me eat less. Also, have a smaller portion and just wait 20 minutes. Often you won't be hungry anymore. Eat more lean protein than carbs, snack on raw veggies, limit dairy. Do fun shit like play frisbee and have lots of sex. Don't let one episode of weakness knock you off the wagon. Reduce stress: meditation, heavy metal, MMA sparring or whatever does it for you. Good luck...

  20. #80
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    Default Re: Help losing 20 lbs

    Has anyone noted yet that cycling is less like a sport and more like a really expensive eating disorder?
    Last edited by bellman; 08-01-2011 at 11:36 PM. Reason: too many yets

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