If you have Hulu, I recommend The Path, about a new-age spiritualist group in modern New York. The acting is superb and the show is paced very well. Currently halfway through the second season but this is the show I crave week after week.

On Netflix, The Grinder is very funny and extremely silly, starring Rob Lowe as an actor who retires from a legal procedural drama but moves in with his brother, a lawyer at their father's firm. Hilarious. Fred Savage is the brother and he plays a convincing straight man and foil to his somewhat manic brother. 20-ish episodes, though it got cancelled at the conclusion of the first season.

Also on Netflix, Better Call Saul is very good if you've seen Breaking Bad. And I'm currently halfway through Santa Clarita Diet, which is simultaneously funny and gruesome, starring Drew Barrymore and Timothy Olyphant. It's from the creator of Better Off Ted which I also liked very much.