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Thread: Went for a run this morning

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    Default Went for a run this morning

    About 12 years ago I was obliged to quit running because my left hip simply wouldn't let me. I was a mediocre to poor marathon runner and the logical progression was to become a mediocre to poor ultramarathon runner but I couldn't run more than four or five miles on consecutive days and expect to walk any time in the next week. Various diagnoses and I decided the hell with it. So I'm a mediocre to poor ultramarathon cyclist now. Except my neck and shoulder hurt like hell and work is eating me alive and I'm about wigging out because I can only manage a couple of hours on the bike three times a week or so. My head's gonna explode.

    A couple of years ago I had x-rays done because my left hip hurt at the end of a big riding season and I was like no, not this again. If I have to quit riding I'm going to shoot myself. A new ortho looked at the film and declared there's no reason not to run and the hip joint's fine. I said OK, but what the hell is that? He explained floating chunks of bone are quite common and nothing to be concerned about. If the leg doesn't fail, leave it alone. I liked that approach.

    So we'll see how the hip reacts once it has time to think about it. I ran a couple of miles and aside from muscle soreness in my quads, no issues yet.

    It was fun as hell. I really love running. Mixing that with outdoor riding and trainer time this winter, I might get into halfway decent shape. I'm psyched, but fingers crossed.

    I can't swim, so no danger of... you know.

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    Default Re: Went for a run this morning

    I started running again too recently after a decade hiatus due to rheumatoid arthritis. I am also approachign 40 and am thinking about ticking a marathon off of the bucket list if my knee can take the mileage. I missed running alot, even with all the cycling. I am having trouble balancing training for two sports though.

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    Default Re: Went for a run this morning

    I was a runner long before I became a cyclist. Actually, it was running injuries that, in a round-about way threw me into cycling (with a detour through the swimming pool). Yep, I was one of "those" -- runner turned triathlete, turned cyclist. I haven't run since September 12th, when I did an impromptu half-Ironman plus (2.4 swim, 81 bike, 10 run). It did a number on my right Achilles. It still bothers me a bit, but it's getting better.

    But I find running on wooded trails a zen experience. Light drizzle and fog, the dirt just a little damp and soft...

    Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...

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  4. #4
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    Default Re: Went for a run this morning

    Quote Originally Posted by David Tollefson View Post
    I was a runner long before I became a cyclist. Actually, it was running injuries that, in a round-about way threw me into cycling (with a detour through the swimming pool). Yep, I was one of "those" -- runner turned triathlete, turned cyclist. I haven't run since September 12th, when I did an impromptu half-Ironman plus (2.4 swim, 81 bike, 10 run). It did a number on my right Achilles. It still bothers me a bit, but it's getting better.

    But I find running on wooded trails a zen experience. Light drizzle and fog, the dirt just a little damp and soft...
    I'm with you. Trail running is the only time I semi enjoy running. Yet, I go for a 20ish minute run every morning with my wife.

    This is what I'm/you are talking about (as far as scenery goes):

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    Default Re: Went for a run this morning

    Winter is a great time to run. With the shorter, colder days, its often far more practical to do a 30 minute run. I enjoy a little variety. Just never expect to find me in the weight room...

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    Default Re: Went for a run this morning

    Good for you!!

    Now, get yourself some good running shoes for sure... like, go to a specialty run shop and have them guide you to the right shoe.

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    Default Re: Went for a run this morning

    I'm running more than cycling these days, thanks to work and kids' school schedules. If anyone is looking for a decent iphone app for running, I can recommend Blue Fin's "Ease into 5K" and "Bridge to 10K" programs. These are incremental training programs that integrate your own music with GPS maps, running journal, graphs, and voice commands. Downside is that you have to wear headphones while you run, but I cut down a pair to a single bud so I can still hear the street around me.

    My goal is to run a 10 miler next April at a 9 min. mile pace. I'm not exactly "Chariots of Fire" material, but I'm well on my way to hitting that goal. If anyone has other running programs they'd recommend, I'd love to hear about them.

    Also, I had hip pain too and found a routine of stretching (hammies and IT band) and some basic pylometric moves helped a ton. YMMV obviously but you might consult a good PT.

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    Default Re: Went for a run this morning

    Quote Originally Posted by billrick View Post
    ...My goal is to run a 10 miler next April at a 9 min. mile pace...
    ...Also, I had hip pain too and found a routine of stretching (hammies and IT band) and some basic pylometric moves helped a ton. YMMV obviously but you might consult a good PT.
    Stretching is hugely important and good footwear is a must. These two things will do a lot to keep you healthy as you ramp up your training.

    As for 10 miler training, you've got ample time and you can train to finish a 10 mile race witha relatively small amount of running. The key is a longer run on the weekends with short runs during the week as time allows. If you can get out once or twice during the week and then a 6-10 mile run on the weekends, you'd be doing well. Start light and gradually increase distance. You dont want to up the distance more than 10% or so per week, so 15 miles this week dont do more than 16-17 next week. Come April, you'll be in pretty good form if you keep it consistent. When you're 3 weeks out from race day, start tapering down to just short maintenance runs the week of.

    I would try to jump in a couple 5k's over the winter in lieu of that week's long run. Between the 3 mile run and a mile or two warm up and cool down, you'll be in long run territory anyway. they're useful as hard efforts, gauge progress, learn race pace as well as to light a fire under your ass and keep you motivated in the cold months.

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    Default Re: Went for a run this morning

    If you can find a copy, read Tim Noake's 'The Lore of Running'. More than you'll ever need to know.

    Just my opinion but the beauty of running is that it is you, your feet, your breathing, the path and all the sounds and smells of the world. Sight not so important, running in the pitch black is really cool - you see with your feet. Too much paraphernalia screws up the experience.

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    Default Re: Went for a run this morning

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom View Post
    ...Sight not so important, running in the pitch black is really cool - you see with your feet...
    Where are you running in the pitch black?? I've run at night, and sure it can be fun... but I dont even wanna walk around a padded room if its pitch black.

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    Default Re: Went for a run this morning

    Agreed, running on a cold dark night on a deserted trail is such a zen experience (although I prefer to use a headlight). Injuries have kept me from it so far this season, but I'm planning a comeback soon.

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    Default Re: Went for a run this morning

    Ha, I trip over enough rocks on our trails in the broad daylight! If I had to "see with my feet" I'd end up with something broken. I agree, I don't like all the rest - headphones, etc., unless I'm spinning on a trainer, but there's no way I'd make it home in one piece running in the pitch dark. Not to mention the cougars, coyotes, and bears.

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    Default Re: Went for a run this morning

    I tripped while running at night, chipped teeth and broke my nose, but mainly because I was on a tow rope behind a Great Dane at the time. Walking the dog and tempo running don't mix!

    One ear plug for me, mellow music and the GPS program on the iPhone. And a headlamp at night.

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