About 12 years ago I was obliged to quit running because my left hip simply wouldn't let me. I was a mediocre to poor marathon runner and the logical progression was to become a mediocre to poor ultramarathon runner but I couldn't run more than four or five miles on consecutive days and expect to walk any time in the next week. Various diagnoses and I decided the hell with it. So I'm a mediocre to poor ultramarathon cyclist now. Except my neck and shoulder hurt like hell and work is eating me alive and I'm about wigging out because I can only manage a couple of hours on the bike three times a week or so. My head's gonna explode.

A couple of years ago I had x-rays done because my left hip hurt at the end of a big riding season and I was like no, not this again. If I have to quit riding I'm going to shoot myself. A new ortho looked at the film and declared there's no reason not to run and the hip joint's fine. I said OK, but what the hell is that? He explained floating chunks of bone are quite common and nothing to be concerned about. If the leg doesn't fail, leave it alone. I liked that approach.

So we'll see how the hip reacts once it has time to think about it. I ran a couple of miles and aside from muscle soreness in my quads, no issues yet.

It was fun as hell. I really love running. Mixing that with outdoor riding and trainer time this winter, I might get into halfway decent shape. I'm psyched, but fingers crossed.

I can't swim, so no danger of... you know.